The talented actress Rashmika Mandanna is set to grace the silver screen as the protagonist in the upcoming film, "The Girlfriend," which has been officially announced by renowned producer Allu Aravind of Geetha Arts. The film, under the directorial expertise of Rahul Ravindran, known for his impressive work in movies such as "Chi La Sow" and "Manmadhudu 2," promises to be an exciting addition to Rashmika's film repertoire.
Geetha Arts took to its official X page to unveil the film and shared an intriguing first look.
In their post, the banner proclaimed, "The world is full of great love stories. But there are those rare love stories that remain untold and unseen. 'The Girlfriend' is one such story. #RM24 @GeethaArts Production No.51 is #TheGirlfriend."
"The Girlfriend" is a collaborative effort between Mass Movie Makers and Dheeraj Mogilineni Entertainment, further elevating the anticipation surrounding this unique romantic tale.
Rashmika Mandanna, a rising star in the film industry, is currently involved in some highly anticipated projects, including "Animal" and "Pushpa: The Rule." As she takes on the lead role in "The Girlfriend," it is evident that the actress is dedicated to exploring diverse and compelling narratives, leaving her fans eager to witness her next cinematic venture.