The show, which is produced under the Edit II banner, has completed nine years on-air, and is looking forward to completing another nine and beyond.
It wouldn’t be wrong to say Sanjay and Binaiferr Kohli’s Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain! is the portrait of comedy in the Indian TV industry. The show, which is produced under the Edit II banner, has completed nine years on-air, and is looking forward to completing another nine and beyond.
The show features Aasif Sheikh, Rohitashv Gour, Vidisha Srivastava, and Shubhangi Atre in lead roles and airs on &TV.
Here’s what to expect in Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hain! this week. Angoori plans a 30-day trip to Nepal, which leaves Tiwari and Vibhuti worried about how they’ll manage without seeing their beloved bhabhis. Caught up in his frustration, Vibhuti speaks rudely to Anita, and in anger, Anita throws him out of the house. Homeless, Vibhuti asks everyone for a place to stay, but no one agrees to help him.
Meanwhile, Manohar is seen escorting an intruder, which gives Vibhuti an idea. The next day, Vibhuti disguises himself and visits Tiwari, claiming that Tiwari owns some property in Karachi. To convince him, Vibhuti presents fake DNA reports as proof. Greedy for the property, Tiwari travels to Karachi, where he is kidnapped by a woman named Ruksana. She mistakes him for her ex-boyfriend because of their striking resemblance and ties him up, beating him in anger. Tiwari somehow manages to get hold of his phone and calls Angoori to tell her about his situation. Meanwhile, Vibhuti confesses to everyone that he tricked Tiwari because he needed a place to stay. Feeling guilty, Vibhuti takes Saxena’s help and sneaks into Karachi illegally to rescue Tiwari. He successfully frees him, and the two return home safely.
Everyone is relieved to see Tiwari back, and the entire episode teaches Vibhuti a lesson about taking responsibility for his actions.
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