Disney Hotstar's heartwarming web series, "Home Shanti," has reached a significant milestone, celebrating over a year of touching the hearts of viewers. Poojan Chhabra, who recently marked his Bollywood debut with Rajshri Productions' "DONO," portraying the character of Vilas, gained recognition and love for his performance as Naman in the slice-of-life series, "Home Shanti."
As "Home Shanti" commemorates this remarkable journey, Poojan Chhabra takes us on a trip down memory lane, sharing insights into his character's vibrant and carefree nature. He also reflects on the invaluable lessons learned from the legendary Supriya Pathak and Manoj Pahwa, expressing his gratitude for the recognition the show has brought him.
Reflecting on the journey, Poojan Chhabra says, "It's been a year already since 'Home Shanti' was released, and the love I still receive for my character is something I am eternally thankful for. Naman was a character that captured my heart from the very beginning. He was a bundle of joy, capable of bringing smiles even in the most challenging situations. Portraying him felt like a breath of fresh air, and I treasured every moment."
"Home Shanti" holds a special place in my heart," Poojan adds, "It provided me with the recognition and love I cherish as an actor. Being nominated for the prestigious Filmfare Best Supporting Actor award for my first-ever nomination was a surreal moment, a testament to my hard work."
Poojan Chhabra fondly recollects his experiences working with Supriya Pathak and Manoj Pahwa, "Working with Supriya Ma'am and Manoj Sir was a dream come true. They are both incredible actors with a wealth of experience. I learned so much just by observing their work. Their comic timing, their ability to slip effortlessly into character, and their down-to-earth nature were awe-inspiring. They made me feel like part of a family, and I'm forever grateful for that."
Fans eagerly await the next season of "Home Shanti," and it's evident that the show, along with its endearing characters, particularly Naman, has etched a special place in our hearts.
On the professional front, Poojan Chhabra has been making waves with his recent roles, including "DONO" and Amazon Prime Series "Adhura." His talent has also graced shows like "Kota Factory," "United Kacchey," "Mind the Malhotras" season 2, "Sector 12 ka Kitty Club," and more. Poojan Chhabra's journey is a testament to his growing influence in the entertainment industry.
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